Entrepreneurship Development Cell

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The EDC (Entrepreneurship Development Cell) has been founded on 21st August 2019 the World Entrepreneur’s Day.The key purpose of the Entrepreneurship Development Cell is to promote the fortitude of an entrepreneur among the VCACS students. It provides the platform for the Academicians, Young Entrepreneurs, RenownedIndustry Personalities & the students for gathering, learning & sharing their entrepreneurial endeavors, experience & aspiration. The EDC provides mentoring prospects through its own chain of acquaintance allies which includes professionals, entrepreneurs, investors, Industry experts, etc.

Instead of simply creating mere awareness among the students to become an entrepreneur after completing their graduation, at VCACS, theEntrepreneurship Development Cell focuses moreover on organizing various sorts of promotional programs that will transform the students into successful Entrepreneurs.

For this, the EDC has adopted a systematic approach to widen the first generation entrepreneurs which include steps as creating the awareness, arranging motivational and interaction programs on a regular basis with the leading entrepreneurs and subsequently providing the entrepreneurial training for acquiring comprehensive challenges and opting for self employment.

In such a way, the active participation of the students’ community throughout the procedures helps in instilling the entrepreneurial spirit and ethnicity among the college graduates to become the “Job Creators” rather than being a “Job Seekers”.


To generate skilled, innovative & ethical budding entrepreneurs who will contribute towards growth & development of the society and nation in turn.


To strengthen the spirit and approach towards entrepreneurship of young and aspiring minds by providing conducive environment.


  1. To prepare a platform for setting a linkage between the College Graduates and Industries.
  2. To arrange the counseling sessions for creating the right kind of attitude and spirit among the students to shift their focus on becoming the Entrepreneur rather than becoming merely Job Seeker.
  3. To undertake the Research Study based activities for the students in order to identify the future areas or opportunities of entrepreneurship.
  4. To conduct Webinar, Seminar, Workshops for Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Entrepreneurial Skill Development.
  5. To organize visits to industries for the new generation entrepreneurs.
  6. To disseminate the information regarding-Role and Responsibilities of various statutory bodies that can assist while setting up the Entrepreneurial Venture such as DIC, MIDC, MPCB , MSFC, MSSIDC, ROC, FDA etc
  7. To propagate the information in accordance with the Business Opportunity Guidance (BOG) to facilitate the potential entrepreneurs in extending their vision for selecting and identifying the right kind of Business Opportunity in the upcoming vocation as well.

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