
Foreign Languages

Foreign Languages

Foreign languages give a strategic advantage in educational decisions: one can converse in a subsequent language. Unknown languages concentrate on improving listening abilities and memory. One partakes all the more successfully and capably in a multi-social world if one knows another dialect.

Certificate/Diploma Courses by the Savitribai Phule Pune University

  • Japanese (Certificate/Diploma)
  • German (Certificate/Diploma)
  • French (Certificate/Diploma)
  • English (Certificate)

Courses will be before or after your college schedule.

Only students who have completed certificate courses from the Savitribai Phule Pune University for any language are eligible for diploma courses.
Examination will be conducted by the Savitribai Phule Pune University (On a Sunday) and Certificate will be given by Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Documents Required for Admission

For UG (First Year)

  • All candidates required all attested true copies of documents as follows:-
    a) H.S.C.(Std XII) Marks sheet or Hall Ticket (H.S.C Examination for those who have appeared).
    b) Domicile certificate of candidate /of Father/Mother/Husband of Candidate indicating that he/she is domiciled in the state of Maharashtra.
  • Backward class candidates belonging to SC/ST : -
    Caste certificate (In addition of the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1)
  • Backward class cndidates belonging to VJ/DT(A)/NT(B)/NT(C), NT(D)/OBC/SBC : -
    a) Caste certificate.
    b) Non-creamy Layer certificate.( In addition of the documents mentioned in Sr. No. 1).
  • Physically handicapped candidates :-
    a) Certificate in the pro-forma (In addition of the documents mentioned in Sr.No.1)
  • Jammu and Kashmir migrant candidates :-
    a) Certificate of posting in case of defense and government servants.
    b) Certificate for stay in refugee camp for those staying in the refugee camp.
    c) Certificate stating that the candidate belongs to the displaced family.
    (In addition of the documents mentioned in Sr.No.1)

Additional Documents

  • Original mark sheet of Std.XII examination at the time of taking admission and attested true copies of marks sheet of the same.
  • Certified copy of entry in birth register or STD X/SSC/School leaving certificate as a proof of date of birth.
  • Attested true copy of statement of marks.
  • For students coming from colleges affiliated to same University (SPPU), Transfer Certificate from the college/board is essential.
  • A student coming from another university must produce a Migration Certificate and Transfer Certificate.
  • Any other documents required by the college.
  • Three recent passport size photographs.

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